It's Tuesday, and today we're going to spotlight one of our fabulous Florida yoga instructors, Celeste Bull!
Celeste is a Certified Precision Alignment Yoga Instructor who completed her 300 hour training at the Yoga Shed in Deland. Celeste previously worked in the professional world as a paralegal for 15 years before deciding to dedicate her life to helping others through Yoga. She believes strongly in the healing power of Yoga for the body, mind and spirit and is passionate about delivering that to as many people as she can. Celeste enjoys incorporating breathwork and meditation into her classes as key components to a well rounded Yoga practice.
Thanks for being a part of our team, Celeste! Learn more about her below!

What inspires you to teach fitness or yoga and how did you get started?
It may sound a little silly but what inspires me in teaching yoga, why I got into it, is to help people better their lives and thereby to make the world a bit better of a place for everyone to live in. I have long struggled with severe anxiety, and yoga was so healing to me, bringing me a deep sense of peace with the world, that I wanted to share that potential for healing with others. Yoga to me concerns the fitness of the body and mind and I strive to bring both elements to all my students.
Favorite Healthy Snack?
My favorite healthy snack is seaweed, yummy!
Favorite “treat yo-self” Snack?
My "treat yo-self" snack is blue cheese fo sho!

What are your interests and passion when not teaching fitness/yoga?
When I am not teaching yoga I love spending time with my daughter and husband, running, sewing (and wearing!) costumes and making jewelry. Of course I am also a longtime selfish-reader. Meaning I may put off other things that I can get done today just to get that book done!
What are your hopes for your class participants?
I wish for all of my students that they are able to develop a desire to continue to practice yoga for their lifetimes (yes, the entire lifetime, it can be done!), and that it helps them come to a deeper understanding of and peace with themselves and their purpose and place in the world.
What is unique or special about teaching in a workplace environment?
Teaching in a workplace environment is amazing because the students that come into your classroom are so diverse in their backgrounds, and in their prior exposure to yoga. It is so challenging and fun to develop classes that will not stress out the brand new-beginner but at the same time will keep a longtime practitioner, who probably already has a favorite teacher at home, interested. You reach people sometimes who may not otherwise have ever taken it upon themselves to enter a yoga class. It also provides me great satisfaction when I can give students some simple yogic-breathing (called pranayama) techniques that they can actually use when they go back to their desks if they reach a stressful moment during their day or need to decompress. That is truly applied knowledge! :)